Investment Advice for High Net-worth Individuals (HNIs)

Note: You will not be transferring the money to be invested into our accounts. You will only be paying us the fees for the advice. Based on our advice, you can then make the suggested investments on your own and be in full control of your assets at all times.

We can help you place orders and redeem funds if needed with respect to mutual funds by linking your bank account(s) with the mutual fund utilities platform directly. You will have direct access to track and control the funds on your own. You can also contact us anytime for the required support and we will help you.

You can also simply Contact Us and tell us your requirement so that we can help you pick the right advisory plan that's best for you, or create a new one, especially for you!

Holistic Planning covers Retirement Planning, Planning for Children's Education, Planning for buying a House, Planning for buying a Car, Planning for any other Financial Goals, Analysis of Insurance Coverage, Planning to Grow Wealth, etc.

*Returns shown are past performance or model-based and can be used as broad indicators only. Future performance may or may not be similar to the shown returns. We do not guarantee any particular returns. All returns are subject to market risks.

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